City: SUSSEX, WI - ZIP Code
SUSSEX ZIP Code is 53089. This page contains SUSSEX 9-digit ZIP Code list, SUSSEX population, schools, museums, libraries, universities, hospitals, post offices, and SUSSEX random addresses.
What is the zip code of SUSSEX, Wisconsin? Below is the zipcode list for SUSSEX.
City Name | ZIP Code 5 | ZIP Code Population |
SUSSEX | 53089 | 19,621 |
SUSSEX 9-Digit ZIP Code
What is the 9-digit ZIP Code for SUSSEX, Wisconsin? Below is the list of SUSSEX ZIP Code plus 4 with the address, you can click the link to find more information.
9-Digit ZIP Code | SUSSEX Address |
53089-0001 | PO BOX 1 (From 1 To 58), SUSSEX, WI |
53089-0061 | PO BOX 61 (From 61 To 152), SUSSEX, WI |
53089-0161 | PO BOX 161 (From 161 To 196), SUSSEX, WI |
53089-0201 | PO BOX 201 (From 201 To 236), SUSSEX, WI |
53089-0241 | PO BOX 241 (From 241 To 312), SUSSEX, WI |
53089-0321 | PO BOX 321 (From 321 To 438), SUSSEX, WI |
53089-0441 | PO BOX 441 (From 441 To 498), SUSSEX, WI |
53089-0501 | PO BOX 501 (From 501 To 614), SUSSEX, WI |
53089-0900 | PO BOX 900 (From 900 To 910), SUSSEX, WI |
53089-1001 | N93W25401 (From N93W25401 To N93W25499 Odd) BITTERSWEET CT, SUSSEX, WI |
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SUSSEX Post Office
SUSSEX has 1 post office. The basic information about the post office is as follows. If you want to check the services and service hours of the post office, you can click the link to find detailed information.
SUSSEX Post Office
Address N63W23565 SILVER SPRING DR, SUSSEX, WI, 53089-9998
Phone 262-246-8395
*Lot Parking Available
SUSSEX Basic Information
This is online map of the address SUSSEX, Wisconsin. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.
U.S. - United StatesState:
WI - Wisconsin-
CountyFIPS: 55133 - Waukesha County City Name:
SUSSEX- What does 'City Name' mean?
The name of the city (and in some cases, organization) designated by that ZIP Code or postal code.
Random Address in SUSSEX
SUSSEX Envelope Example
This is an example of U.S envelope. Fill in the sender's information at the top left and the recipient information at the bottom right. The necessary information is sender/recipient's full name, street address, city, state and zip code. The recipient address information has been given for your reference. Generally, If you are not sure of the full 9-digit zip code, you can only fill in the 5-digit zip code to avoid loss of package.
For more explanation, please read the official document: USA.pdf (English)
SUSSEX Population
This is the population data of SUSSEX in 2010 and 2020.
- ·SUSSEX Population 2020: 10,961
- ·SUSSEX Population 2010: 10,546
This is the SUSSEX - Museum page list. Its detail Museum Name, Street, State, ZIP Code, Phone is as below.
Name | Street | City | State | ZIP Code | Phone |
SPACE FARMS ZOO AND MUSEUM | 218 COUNTY RD 519 | SUSSEX | NJ | 07461 | (973) 875-5800 |
DAR VAN BUNSCHOOTEN MUSEUM | 1097 STATE RT 23 | SUSSEX | NJ | 07461 | (973) 875-7634 |
SUSSEX COUNTY VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY | PO BOX 1361 | SUSSEX | VA | 23884-0361 | (434) 246-1014 |
SUSSEX LISBON AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY | PO BOX 32 | SUSSEX | WI | 53089-0032 | (262) 246-3603 |
SUSSEX Library
This is the SUSSEX - Library page list. Its detail Library Name, Address, State, ZIP Code, Phone is as below.
Name | Address | City | State | ZIP Code | Phone |
PAULINE HAASS PUBLIC LIBRARY | N64W23820 MAIN ST. | SUSSEX | WI | 53089 | (262) 246-5180 |
SUSSEX-WANTAGE BRANCH | 69 ROUTE 639 | SUSSEX | NJ | 07461 | (973) 875-3940 |
This is the SUSSEX - School page list. Its detail School Name, Address, State, ZIP Code is as below.
School Name | Address | City | State | Grades | ZIP Code |
Sussex Central High | Po Box 1307 | Sussex | Virginia | 9-12 | 23884 |
Sussex Central Middle | Po Box 1387 | Sussex | Virginia | 6-8 | 23884 |
Hamilton Hi | W220n6151 Town Line Rd | Sussex | Wisconsin | 9-12 | 53089 |
Maple Avenue El | W240n6059 Maple Ave | Sussex | Wisconsin | KG-5 | 53089 |
Richmond El | N56w26530 Richmond Rd | Sussex | Wisconsin | PK-8 | 53089 |
Templeton Mid | N59w22490 Silver Spring Dr | Sussex | Wisconsin | 6-8 | 53089 |
Woodside El | W236n7465 Woodside Rd | Sussex | Wisconsin | KG-5 | 53089 |
Sussex Middle School | 10 Loomis Avenue | Sussex | New Jersey | 6-8 | 07461 |
High Point Regional H S | 299 Pigeon Hill Road | Sussex | New Jersey | 9-12 | 07461 |
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