ZIP Code 5: 53046 - LANNON, WI
ZIP Code 53046 is the postal code in LANNON, WI. Besides the basic information, it also lists the full ZIP code and the address of ZIP code 53046. Whatsmore, there is more information related to ZIP Code 53046. For example, nearby ZIP code around ZIP Code 53046, etc.
ZIP 53046 Basic Information
The basic information of ZIP Code 53046 is as follows, including: country, county, city, FIPS and etc.
State | County | City | ZIP Code 5 |
WI - Wisconsin | Waukesha County | LANNON | 53046 |
What is the plus 4 zip code for 53046 ZIP Code? Below is the detail.
53046 ZIP+4 Code List
What are the 4 digit zip extensions of ZIP Code 53046? ZIP code 53046 has many plus 4 codes, and each plus 4 code corresponds to one or more addresses. Below we list all the ZIP+4 codes and their addresses in the ZIP Code 53046. You can find a 9-digit ZIP Code by a full address.
ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 | Address |
53046-0001 | PO BOX 1 (From 1 To 9), LANNON, WI |
53046-0010 | 19405 ROCK POINTE WAY, LANNON, WI |
53046-0011 | PO BOX 11 (From 11 To 19), LANNON, WI |
53046-0020 | 19405 ROCK POINTE WAY APT A101 (From A101 To A105 Both of Odd and Even), LANNON, WI |
53046-0021 | PO BOX 21 (From 21 To 29), LANNON, WI |
53046-0030 | 19400 (From 19400 To 19499) ROCK POINTE WAY, LANNON, WI |
53046-0031 | PO BOX 31 (From 31 To 39), LANNON, WI |
53046-0040 | 19405 ROCK POINTE WAY APT A201 (From A201 To A210 Both of Odd and Even), LANNON, WI |
53046-0041 | PO BOX 41 (From 41 To 49), LANNON, WI |
53046-0050 | 19403 ROCK POINTE WAY, LANNON, WI |
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Post Office in ZIP Code 53046
LANNON is the only post office in ZIP Code 53046. You can find the address, phone number, and interactive map below. Click to view the service and service hours about LANNON.
LANNON Post Office
Address 20414 W GOOD HOPE RD, LANNON, WI, 53046-9786
Phone 262-251-2067
*Lot Parking Available
How to write a U.S. envelope?
First, you need to fill in the recipient's mailing information in the center of the envelope. The first line is the recipient's name, the second line is the street address with a detailed house number, and the last line is the city, state abbr, and ZIP Code.
Second, write the sender's information on the left top corner of the envelope. If your mail cannot be delivered, it will return to the sender's address.
Finally, don't forget to stick the stamp on the right top corner. Otherwise, the letter will not go into the delivery process.
Here is the envelope example below.
What does each digit of ZIP Code 53046 stand for?
The first digit designates a national area, which ranges from zero for the Northeast to nine for the far West.
The 2-3 digits represent a sectional center facility in that region.
The last two digits designate small post offices or postal zones.
Random Address in ZIP 53046
ZIP 53046 Online Map
This is online map of the address LANNON, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.
ZIP 53046 NearBy ZIP Code
The Nearby ZIP Codes are 53051, 53052, 53089, 53017, and 53007, you can find ZIP codes in a 25km radius around ZIP Code 53046 and the approximate distance between the two ZIP codes.
The data has a slight deviation for your reference only.
ZIP Code | Distance (Kilo Meters) |
53051 | 3.277 |
53052 | 4.651 |
53089 | 6.632 |
53017 | 9.001 |
53007 | 9.131 |
53022 | 9.535 |
53224 | 10.291 |
53045 | 10.457 |
53225 | 11.114 |
53008 | 11.448 |
53072 | 11.465 |
53005 | 11.801 |
53056 | 12.232 |
53033 | 12.333 |
53222 | 13.001 |
53076 | 13.236 |
53122 | 13.343 |
53223 | 13.827 |
53029 | 14.244 |
53218 | 14.47 |
53186 | 14.535 |
53226 | 15.401 |
53064 | 16.811 |
53187 | 16.854 |
53216 | 16.893 |
53097 | 17.25 |
53188 | 17.647 |
53213 | 17.754 |
53210 | 17.964 |
53037 | 18.061 |
53209 | 18.113 |
53214 | 19.016 |
53092 | 19.02 |
53217 | 19.858 |
53058 | 20.058 |
53208 | 20.283 |
53227 | 20.374 |
53146 | 20.44 |
53206 | 20.706 |
53151 | 20.764 |
53086 | 20.78 |
53012 | 21.531 |
53205 | 21.887 |
53018 | 22.156 |
53069 | 22.236 |
53219 | 22.459 |
53212 | 22.728 |
53233 | 22.955 |
53228 | 23.286 |
53211 | 23.67 |
53183 | 24.016 |
53203 | 24.044 |
53027 | 24.368 |
53204 | 24.534 |
53237 | 24.568 |
53259 | 24.568 |
53263 | 24.568 |
53274 | 24.568 |
53278 | 24.568 |
53288 | 24.568 |
53290 | 24.568 |
53293 | 24.568 |
53201 | 24.572 |
53215 | 24.578 |
53295 | 24.634 |
53234 | 24.645 |
School in ZIP Code 53046
This is the ZIP Code 53046 - School page list. Its detail School Name, Address, City, State, ZIP Code is as below.
- ·School Name:Lannon El
- ·Address: 7145 N Lannon Rd
- ·City: Lannon
- ·State: Wisconsin
- ·Grades: KG-5
- ·ZIP Code: 53046
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